Ruth Hafley Memorial Grants

Ruth Hafley Memorial Grants for Raleigh Piano Teachers

Established January 1, 2022 and subsequent 10 years

Ruth Fleming Hafley (June 11, 1931 – February 6, 2021) 

Ruth taught piano for over 50 years, served as church organist at several Raleigh churches, directed adult and children’s choirs, and accompanied instrument and vocal soloists, including the choral groups at the Raleigh Charter High School. She greatly enjoyed instilling a life-long interest and true appreciation of music in each student. Ruth served in many capacities in RPTA and the Raleigh Music Club. She was active in NCMTA and the American Guild of Organists. Her welcoming, hospitable and generous spirit helped each organization grow. Ruth took every opportunity to mentor her fellow teachers and never stopped being a student herself, attending conferences, especially the MTNA conferences, and workshops, to hone her skills. The grants given in her memory will continue to encourage and inspire teachers, honoring her legacy into the future to advance the music teaching profession.

Ruth Hafley MTNA Conference Grant ($1500) 

This grant will be given to an RPTA member for use to attend the national MTNA Conference in the year following receiving the grant. Teachers can enter their name in a drawing at the RPTA monthly meetings and going through the April monthly meeting, one entry per teacher. The drawing will be at the May monthly meeting and the recipient named. An alternate will also be drawn, in case the recipient is unable to attend the conference.

Ruth Hafley Continuing Educational Grant ($1000) 

RPTA teachers who wish to be the recipient of this grant would need to submit to the RPTA President an application with their proposed continuing educational plan. The application would be due no later than noon on the date of the April monthly meeting. A committee will review the application and select a recipient to be announced at the May meeting. The selection committee will consist of the Past President, Treasurer, and one member at large chosen by the President. It is the recipient’s responsibility to inform the selections committee, as soon as possible if, for any reason, the recipient is unable to carry through with their plans for the grant. The committee will have a backup recipient and the funds can be transferred. The grant proposal would need to be completed within the upcoming year.

Additional Guidelines for Both Grants: 

Teachers who enter the drawing or apply for the grants must be current active members of RPTA. Recipients would need to be present at the May meeting. A teacher cannot win both grants in the same year and can receive either grant only once. Teachers who receive the grants are expected to give a brief report/talk at the May meeting in the year after being awarded the grant to share the benefits received from the grants with the whole membership.